Businesses and organizations spent $15.7 million on lobbying the Kentucky General Assembly during the first eight months of 2019, which is up $1.2 million from the most recent short session year, in 2017. In 2015, spending was $13.7 million, and in 2013, it was $11.9 million, for the same period. The General Assembly is in session for only 30 legislative days in odd years, as opposed to a 60-day session in even numbered years.
During the first two-thirds of 2019, 709 lobbying employers paid about 580 lobbyists more than $14.3 million, and an additional $902,575 was spent on lobbying-related administrative costs, such as travel and other expenses.
The leading spender for January through August, 2019, is the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, which spent $235,978 on lobbying. Running a close second, at $214,025, is Altria (Phillip Morris).
The rest of the top 10 spenders and amounts for this period of reporting are: Kentucky Hospital Association ($169,596); Kentucky Bankers Association ($125,644); National Council of State Boards of Nursing ($116,889); CSX Corporation ($104,643); Anthem, Inc ($99,589); Kentucky Retail Federation ($96,988); Greater Louisville, Inc. ($96,624); and Kentucky Justice Association ($94,142).
The remainder of the top 25 spenders and amounts are: Humana ($90,547); U.S. Justice Action Network ($86,848); Kentucky Credit Union League ($85,277); Home Builders Association of Kentucky ($82,640); United Healthcare Services ($80,610); Kentucky Medical Association ($79,670); HCA Healthcare ($78,400); Kentucky League of Cities ($77,770); Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation ($74,086); Accenture ($74,000); Juul Labs ($73, 989); DisposeRX ($71,900); Kentucky Association of Manufacturers ($70,377); Kentucky Equine Education Alliance ($66,978); and Johnson & Johnson ($66,120).