Law No. 1
The entrenchment of traditions, without compassion and or vision, suffocates the rise of educational innovation.
Law No. 2
Order and chaos are in equal proportions when educational systems lose funding or tax base support.
Law No. 3
Power to define the act of learning, with its sub component, teaching, is held only as long as budgets reflect growth.
Law No. 4
The force of risk is inversely squared to the force of control.
(Disruptive force of technology gives risk greater impact value upon forces of control)
Law No. 5
Normal exists as a bi-product of established status quo and is therefore vulnerable to speeding dynamics of change.
Law No. 6
A virtual classroom is defined in its shape and dimension not by those who teach, but rather by those who learn.
Law No. 7
Power of the individual is now the supreme force for driving change, with disruption and re-shaping of civilizational dynamics as a bi-product.