Paducah Public Schools - back to classroom

Jul 30, 2021 at 09:45 am by admin

Masks are required on all school buses.

Paducah Public Schools believes that in-person learning is best for our students. For the 2021-22 school year, we are welcoming all students back to school buildings for five days a week of instruction. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for students to return to the traditional school setting, while keeping the health, safety, and well-being of our school community a top priority.

Press release from Paducah Public Schools:

PPS will continue to work with the Purchase District Health Department and abide by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) social distancing guidelines to prepare for its five-day return. We will continue to follow sound protocols aligned with expert health guidance to ensure we are doing everything we can to protect the health of our students and staff. This plan has been put together with information that is currently available and will continue to be updated as additional information is provided from the Kentucky Department of Education and the Purchase District Health Department.

To ensure we have a flexible plan that allows us to adjust to our local, state, and national COVID rates throughout the 2021-22 school year, we will have a three-tiered response plan:

Level 1:

  • Students and staff will have the OPTION of wearing masks or face coverings at school and on district property. Parents/guardians of students, as well as staff members, have the choice of deciding whether to mask or unmask in PPS schools. The choice is available to all parents/guardians on behalf of their child, and all staff members, regardless of vaccination status. PPS supports the recommendation of the CDC for people who are unvaccinated to wear masks while indoors.
  • Community health and safety data will be monitored and if COVID-19 positive cases increase inside a classroom, a campus, and/or across the district, decisions to require mask-wearing will be adjusted accordingly.

  • Parents are requested to screen students before allowing them to leave for school and/or get on a bus. It is essential that parents understand the necessity of screening students for COVID symptoms before allowing them to attend school.
  • Students with a temperature 100.4 should remain home and parents should contact their child's school regarding the symptoms. Students should be symptom free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before being allowed to return to school.
  • PPS will collaborate with designated health officials to determine when a quarantine or positive student can return to school.
  • Masks WILL be required on school busses for all students (preschool through 12th grade). This is required under a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention order.
  • PPS will adhere to maintaining three feet of physical distancing where possible. This is not available in all settings due to the number of students, building space limitations and/or available staff/supervision. When distancing is not possible in a classroom setting, pods may be utilized as a means to limit exposures and/or quarantines. Classroom seating charts will be maintained to assist with contact tracing and quarantines.
  • Staff will continue to teach, reinforce, and practice handwashing with soap and water for 20 seconds or use approved hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • The custodial staff will continue the COVID-19 custodial cleaning regimen in all schools.
  • Hand sanitizing stations will be located in every classroom, entry/exit points and high traffic areas.
  • All schools will continue to provide an isolation area for symptomatic staff/students. Symptomatic individuals will be required to mask while awaiting pickup of parent or guardian.
  • PPS will continue to limit visitors to schools. Buildings will be open to essential personnel and essential direct access providers/vendors only.
  • Vaccinated individuals will not be required to quarantine in the event of a positive contact.
  • Individuals who have had COVID-19 within the previous 3 months will not be required to quarantine in the event of a positive contact.
  • The district will continue to work with local officials to monitor community transmission, school transmission, vaccination coverage and other factors that will guide any need to alter health protocols. Any change in protocols will be communicated as soon as possible for quick actions.
  • PPS will immediately and appropriately comply with any federal, state or local mandates pertaining to COVID-19.

    Level 2:
  • This plan includes all mitigation strategies from Level 1 with the additional adjustment:
    • All students and staff who are not vaccinated will be required to wear a mask or face coverings at school and on district property.

Level 3:

  • This plan includes all mitigation strategies from Level 1 with the additional adjustment:
    • All students and staff will be required to wear a mask or face coverings at school and on district property.
  • ###
Sections: Education