2020--2028 Fortress America takes shape: End of the American Experiment
Based upon the last 3 years of the Trump Presidency, White House actions disregard for constitutional law, and local political divisions, the following science fiction scenarios are offered as to the how a Fortress America could take shape and what it would look like. God Help America!!!
- Massive new American oil production vs. world production
- Agriculture restructured---Rise of American Collective Farms
- Mass population control with new consumerism systems
- Rise of Local Military Militia Units
- Sanctuary cities evolve into Urban War Lords Territories
- Federal government takes control of Big Tech operations
- Direct Militarism and control of all ports of entrance and access into and o out of Fortress America
- Rise of Evangelism power within new American cultural systems
- American experiment reduced to geo-political framework of small town rural regions
- Large black market in daily living resources based upon new system of wealth by bartering of goods/services
- All Official Climate Change research and policy review stopped.
- Era of Big Oil and Big Coal control over energy production
- Control of Medical/Health services become New Way for Big Federal/State government to rule over population.
- All Republican Federal/State/Local elected holders to be "Grand Fathered" into new Federalism where existing Constitution is modified to make President Imperial Leader for Life.
- In New Federalism, only certified Whites, who own land, are allowed the right to vote in elections.
- Repeal of 19th Constitutional Amendment giving Right to Vote for women.
- Formation of new Mega-Wealthy Cities that transfer wealth from targeted sanctuary cities into large gated sanctuary protection zones for the Super Rich.
- White Nationalism and local Militia become Wal-Mart official Protection Forces for shopping, warehousing and transportation of consumer products.
- New Federalism strict control of local and regional flow of fresh water from federal owned national rivers and regional aquifers.
- Air, train, bus travel to come new restrictions of class and privileges of wealth
- Education becomes only available to upper class wealth status families.
Final thought. If all else fails, an attempt will be made to have 40 states
(some 35 states have express desire to do this) to call for a new Constitutional Convention for repeal of current Constitution and draft a new more MODERN CONSTITUTION which would seal final power position for White Power themes and issues.