Why no discussion that Paulson the former Chairman of Goldman Sachs insists on complete control of the $700 Billion bailout of Goldman Sachs?
“Free Market” to Republicans means heads they win, tails we (the people) lose. As long as Halliburton needs billions of no-bid contracts, or Exxon needs billions in tax subsidies or Goldman Sachs needs billions for a bailout, it really is “free” for the corporate shysters and their Republican puppets, but it costs the American taxpayer not only money, but no universal healthcare, no money for roads and bridges, no bailout of ripped-off home owners who are losing their homes. This handout of our tax dollars caps the biggest transfer of wealth from the workers to the top dogs in world history
Don’t let John McCain con you into thinking he’s not smack in the middle of this Republican “anything goes” deregulation disaster.
Murray Hudson