Mark Nickolas, late of Bluegrass Reports, the first political blog in Kentucky, and now chief cook and bottle washer of Political Base.com writes about Sen. Bunning’s relationship with the GOP and specifically his colleague Senator Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader, in an article carried on Huffington Post
Nickolas points out that:
*Even though Sen. Mitch McConnell had $100,000 to give out from Senate GOP PAC, none of it went to Kentucky’s junior senator. Sen. Shelby of Alabama
with $13 million in the bank got a check for $10,000.
with $13 million in the bank got a check for $10,000.
*Bunning says that he will not have opposition in the primary – mentioning First District Congressman Ed Whitfield and Secretary of State Trey Grayson
by name as examples of possible opponents who won’t be in the race.
by name as examples of possible opponents who won’t be in the race.
*GOP talking head Fred Barnes is calling Bunning “a sure loser”.
We aren’t counting the big guy out yet. If he has no primary, then he can wait out a slugfest Democratic primary unscathed. Conservatives, especially fiscal conservatives who hated every penny the Bush Administration spent and now despise every move the Obama Administration is making, will find him an attractive candidate. Bunning has been on Fox News a great deal of late and he has consistently stood against bailing out anyone anytime. That will play well in conservative West Kentucky that may not see the benefits of the stimulus program. West Kentucky, despite its Democratic registration, voted for Bunning in 2006.
Raising money without the help of his GOP colleagues will take a savvy campaign that takes advantage of all the latest fundraising devices, including the Internet’s myriad new ways of reaching donors. Bunning has never struck us as the most tech savvy guy or innovative guy on the block. It would be a surprise if the young talent capable of running an internet fundraising juggernaut is attracted to the Bunning campaign.
This game isn't over until the last out is called. It may be over for McConnell, but Bunning isn't ready to leave the field just yet.
This game isn't over until the last out is called. It may be over for McConnell, but Bunning isn't ready to leave the field just yet.