It takes major guts to get up on the Fancy Farm stage and face this crowd! Candidates who do it deserve to be praised. These three did it Saturday in front of this crowd:

Here are the other candidates in their parties’ primaries for a seat in the US Senate: .

Darlene Fitzgerald Price began campaigning a year ago for the Democratic nomination. She’s a former MP, a DEA agent and is now a law student. Price has a story to tell of how she became a whistleblower before the US Congress. She told the crowd that she will never take big money and has two thousand volunteers statewide working for her campaign. 

Maurice Sweeney, an Eastwood businessman, is also campaigning on the Democratic ticket. The Courier profiled him recently. Sweeney told the Fancy Farm crowd that his family’s farm that his great grandfather worked to buy wound up under Kentucky Lake.

Bill Johnson , a candidate in the GOP primary, is a veteran, an engineer and a pilot. He told the crowd that he was ready to serve his country in Congress.