Best speech of the day – Rand Paul

Aug 02, 2009 at 04:52 pm by admin

Whatever his political fate, Paul can congratulate himself on the best speech at Fancy Farm 2009. He told the crowd that both parties were guilty of hypocrisy, pointing out moral lapses by elected Republicans and tax avoidance issues of Democrats. Paul promised to introduce legislation to force every lawmaker to read bills before voting on them. He held a massive stimulus bill over his head to illustrate the point that no one read the bill before passing it.

At left, Paul balances the big ole bill on the speaker's podium at the Fancy Farm Picnic.

His real scorn was saved for a candidate on the dais with him. He skewered Attorney General Conway by saying that even after the Attorney General spoke for twenty minutes on cap and trade, Paul still didn’t know where he stood. He called Conway the “epitome of a career politician.”  

At right, left to right: Democrats Luallen, Conway, Hollenbach and moderator Al Cross listen to Paul's critique of candidate Jack Conway.
So, why is he running as a Republican?
It is beyond me why Rand Paul would run as a Republican against the McConnell machine. Ideologically, Paul comes very close to his father’s libertarian philosophy which plays well with independents, but the message of "they all stink" may not be the message that hardshell Kentucky family value Republicans will want to hear in a primary. Primary voters want bloody red partisan meat thrown at them. It would appear that Paul would have a better chance running as an independent, avoiding a costly primary with Trey Grayson, the great hope of the Republican Party and unknown candidate conservative Bill Johnson.
Sections: FrontPage News