Legislative retirements - sweet and juicy

Aug 19, 2009 at 04:36 pm by admin

Lowell Reese in Kentucky Roll Call blogspot

Lowell Reese is playing his next round of whackamole with legislators in the second installment of his investigation of how sweet retirement can be – if only one is/was a legislator. 

….“The 2005 “reciprocity bill” enriches legislators so much it makes the 1982 “greed bill” pale in comparison. And it handed the office of the governor a new tool that he and all future governors can use to sway legislators on votes and even to resign their seats, as former Sen. Charlie Borders did last month.
In short, the bill has changed the dynamic of legislative politics — and lobbying. Recently, a source told me, “A lot of legislators have asked the governor for jobs.”

 Kentucky Roll Call blog spot
Sections: FrontPage News