It is a very small world. The Lexington Herald Leader is reporting today that opponents of Kentucky American Water Company’s planned pipeline took their arguments to Franklin Circuit Court yesterday. Water foes make their case
Judge Phillip Shepherd heard Tom Fitzgerald, the attorney representing the plaintiffs argue that the PSC erred in allowing the water company to choose a more expensive plan than piping water from Louisville. The PSC and the Kentucky Attorney General argued that they had studied the matter for years and wrote a careful 90 page decision.
It’s a small world, because someone from Kentucky American Water came visiting our little burg recently.
A representative of Kentucky American Water Company addressed the Clinton City Council at their October meeting. Attendees reported that the gentleman suggested that Clinton City Council buy the water company and then sell it to Kentucky American. Where the money would come from was unclear. Some in attendance said that a loan from Kentucky American would finance the purchase. Others said it would be an outright grant – with a return when the city sold the water company to Kentucky American.
Even before Utilities, Inc. won their 29% increase in water rates from the Public Service Commission, rumors have swirled that the requested increase was part of a plan to sell the local water company. An increase before sale would sweeten the pot, since rate increases are not supposed to occur for the purchaser in the first two years of ownership.
The paranoid among us have to wonder if access to one of the best aquifers in the US and the mighty Mississippi on our western border of our county has anything to do with the interest in Clinton’s water service.