Letter to the Editor- submitted by Jeanie

Nov 23, 2009 at 09:40 am by admin

Jesus did not ask the blind man or the leper, "give me your silver pieces and THEN I will heal you". Health care in this country is bought and sold at the marketplace for profit like any other private consumption good at the expense of human lives yet, we claim to be a Christian nation. 122 people die each day in the US due to lack of access to health care; that number is far greater than those who died on 911 and the death toll continues to rise. Where is the memorial to these fellow Americans? The screaming opposition fear the loss of that which does not actually exist: 'free-market'. Where was the screaming opposition when our members of Congress were busy manipulating our 'free-market' health care system with constructs stacked in favor of insurance & pharmaceutical corporations and Wall Street? Why are we arguing to retain 'choice' for folks with employer-sponsored health insurance when these folks don't actually have a 'choice'? How can we be concerned about tax-payer burden of reform while the average tax-paying citizen watches their insurance premiums & co-pays increase, and their life-saving medications consume their disposable income? Doesn't it seem odd that those who have crippled the Medicare system with legislative constructs, ie 'Medicare Advantage' and 'Part D', are now concerned about Medicare 'cuts'? A civilized society is not one of apathy but one who promotes the general welfare for all including the less fortunate. What would Jesus do to reform our health care system? Jesus would drive out the moneychangers!
Sections: Editorials