Dear all,
As you know we are desperately trying to get the word out about the hospital
being ready to treat patients and not being utilized. Could you please help
us if you can by making posts on the internet and contacting the media?
We are consistently trying to influence from the higher levels but at the moment
We are consistently trying to influence from the higher levels but at the moment
it's up to us to do our best to get the word out. Thousands of people are
reading information directly from the internet.
If you do a google search on Haiti blogs you can pull up hundreds of them.
Some of the results are news articles that have been posted about Haiti.
Just click on "Make a comment" under the article and post it there too.
This is just a sample one, write your own obviously if you wish. We will
hit more if we copy and paste instead of typing it out each time.
Here's what I'm using;
" I need your help urgently - as soon as possible! I work for a hospital -
Sacre Coeur in Milot, 75 miles North of Port au Prince.We were not
damaged.We have room for 100 patients,we have over 20 Haitian doctors onsite
including a medical trauma team and an orthopedic team arriving today.
Helicopters can land very close to us, only ONE landed yesterday with 4
patients! People are dying in the streets AND in the hospitals in Port au
Prince. We have a full-service hospital with two ORs and are NOT being
utilized.We have an ambulance ready.When our staff hear a helicopter they
are at the field immediately to receive patients but they are not arriving!!
If any of you have contacts in the media or with organisations who could
potentially get the word out about our hospital and our efforts to help
please, please do so! The clock is ticking and so many lives are being
If you have family or friends with time on their hands please ask them for
their help. They could begin the post with
"My friend works for a hospital in Haiti..."
Below - A US Coast Guard heliocopter brings in four earthquake victims. The hospital staff was eager to help unload their patients.
Below - A US Coast Guard heliocopter brings in four earthquake victims. The hospital staff was eager to help unload their patients.