Acting Secretary of Health & Family Services

Dec 13, 2007 at 02:34 pm by admin

Ellen Hesen -- Acting Secretary of the Health & Family Services Cabinet

Hesen, age 49, who is the Governor’s General Counsel, is now also the Acting Secretary of the Health & Family Services Cabinet. This situation will continue until the Governor names a permanent Cabinet Secretary.

Hesen is from Louisville and has practiced law for 20 years. Before the announcement , she served as the State Auditor’s Office’s General Counsel. Hesen started her professional career in the Jefferson County Attorney’s Office. She worked in the law firm of Barnett & Alagia  and was a partner at Woodward, Hobson & Fulton.

Hesen worked in state government from 1996 through 2003. She served as (1) General Counsel to the Cabinet for Health Services (2) interim Commissioner for the Department for Medicaid Services and (3) Deputy Secretary and (4) Acting Secretary of the Cabinet for Health Services.

It is expected that Hesen will  serve as the Acting Secretary for only 20-30 days.

The Cabinet is so large and involves so many areas of professional expertise, that the individual who becomes Secretary will have to be very qualified professional.

Most of these experts are already working in high powered medical or corporate worlds with very high salaries.