KDP HQ Fundraises on KET Debate Debacle

Oct 14, 2008 at 11:05 am by admin

Dear Potter:
Breaking with their long standing tradition of not allowing candidates who choose not to debate to appear on the air in any manner, Kentucky Educational Television (KET), has decided to make an exception for 1st District Congressman Ed Whitfield.
Whitfield, who has refused to discuss the issues facing voters in the 1st District in any forum that has included Democratic challenger Heather Ryan, will be allowed by KET to present what amounts to an unedited campaign commercial following Ryan's appearance in which she'll take questions from the press.
This is another example of Ed Whitfield's lack of accountability.  More importantly, the decision by KET to accept Whitfield's demand has effectively taken away a valuable opportunity for voters to decide; and they have set a precedent that will likely result in elected officials refusing to face the press and their constituents in favor of a recorded message of their choosing.
Please call KET at 859-258-7000 to let them know how you feel about their decision.
Jennifer A. Moore
Chair, Kentucky Democratic Party
P.S.  Help support the long campaign ahead.  You can make a one-time contribution or join our new PLEDGE TO WIN program, where you can make an automatic monthly contribution using your credit or debit card.
Paid for and authorized by the Kentucky Democratic Party
PO Box 694, Frankfort KY 40602 • (502) 695-4828 • www.kydemocrat.com

Contributions or gifts to the Kentucky Democratic Party are not tax deductible.
The Kentucky Democratic Party sent this email out last evening urging contact with KET and asking for a donation to KDP for the "long fight ahead". 

I talked to Ryan this morning and confirmed that she has received NOT  ONE DIME from the KDP. So, isn't it just a tad bit hypocritical to be raising money based on the KET situation since that money will not go to the candidate's campaign?

Where was KDP's crack legal eagles when this went down yesterday? The KDP, if it is ever to get challengers to run against entrenched Republicans, must work to reverse the wrong headed decision that was made over the weekend without  input from Ryan or the Party she is representing on the ballot. 
Sections: FrontPage News